Sunday, December 14, 2014

Drill holes in glass blocks or wine bottle with diamond drill bits with a hand held drill motor.

Before you start to drill the hole you should use some Silly Putty to form a donut. Place the donut over the spot where you want to drill the hole. On a glass block I find a place just off the center line where the two halves of the block are joined. Fill the donut hole with water... During the cutting process the bit will begin to heat up. Make sure the hole in the donut is full of water. Have a little cup of water nearby in case you need to add a little water. Place your wine bottle or glass block on old towel and position between your feet on a hard cement floor. See if you can start drilling by tipping the drill bit a little on its edge you will have to apply a little pressure to get your drill bit to starting cutting. Once it start to cut you can than bring it straight up Remember; Diamond coated drill bits can heat up very quickly. Pump your drill up and down every few seconds. Drilling the hole will take a few minutes because it is difficult to drill through thick glass. Glass blocks are manufactured with a slight vacuum inside. You will often hear a slight hiss when the drill bit breaks through. Wash the glass block inside and out to get the glass dust out of the block. Let it dry before you start to decorate. Remember you don’t need a lot of downward pressure. Set your drill motor at low speed. To learn more about drilling glass block or wine bottle go to google search.

directions for making a bottle lamp


Directions for making your Bottle Lamp


 Drill hole in bottle using 3/8” Diamond drill bit. (for Deco Teeny,teeny bulbs)

 Rinse bottle and dry thoroughly

 Place plastic snap-in grommet on lamp cord.

 Feed lamp cord through drilled hole towards bottle neck. Push plastic grommet in drilled hole.

 Pull cord approx. 15” past top of bottle and tie a knot in cord. Pull cord back            through bottle until knot is about 1 inch from grommet inside bottle. You should have approx. 2” of wire at top of bottle.

Insert Deco Teeny,Teeny bulbs through top of bottle. Terminal end down. Cut end should extend about 2” from top of bottle.

Carefully feed lamp cord wires and Deco lights wires through threaded nipple/adapter.

Carefully insert nipple/rubber adapter into bottle .Bottle adapter should be flush with top of bottle. Check to see if rubber adapter fits firmly in neck of bottle.  If too lose you will have to compress the adaptor to enlarge it. Hold the bottom nut with a wrench and tighten down top nut. It should not fit supper tight as you may have to take it out if it is not a good fit.

Again, Feed lamp cord and light wires through nipple/adapter and now insert into bottle. If a little tight add a few drops of soap. If using a harp  place it  on top of brass check  ring, add hex nut and  Tighten.

Run lamp cord and light wires through socket base and screw on to nipple.

Wiring the 3 terminal socket.  The ribbed wire from the lamp cord is connected to the Brass screw, the other lamp cord wire and one Deco  light wire are connected to the silver  screw, and the other Deco  light wire is connected to the black screw. (Make   sure all wires are secured). Carefully slide socket shell over socket base and  click into place.

Use a 15 watt max. Bulb. (Insert socket reducer if using a candelabra type bulb).




Note: we do not assume or imply any responsibility for the proper assembly or use of this product.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

$125.00 dollar whiskey bottle lamps


$125.00 whiskey bottle lamp


$125.00 was the lowest price I seen for a BayRum whiskey bottle lamp. The top price was $149.00 for a similar bottle lamp. Where was this?


Several weeks ago I attended a Tampa Bay area outdoor Art show. This was not an Arts & Craft Show that we are all familiar with. This was a rather high end juried Art show with lots of jewelry, Paintings, etc.. I would guess that there were about a 100 or more artist displaying their art work. The one booth that caught my eye was an artist displaying Lighted Whiskey Bottle Lamps. I could not believe the price she was asking for her Whiskey Bottle Lamps. Most often lighted wine or whiskey bottle lamps sell between $25.00 and $40.00. Keep in mind that this was a juried show with small rental space at $450.00 for the two day weekend show.

I spoke briefly with the artist. She was pleased with the show and said that she had sold eight whiskey bottle lamps. She sold only whiskey bottle lamp and did not show any wine lighted wine bottles.

What made here whiskey bottle lamps so attractive was that they were mounted on top of wooden cigar boxes. The cigar boxes made an eye catching solid base for here lamps. The lamp shade often would complement the color on the cigar box label. The lamp socket was a push threw 3-way light socket. A white lamp cord went up from the cigar box to the socket. Her lamps had not additional decorations on them.

I enjoyed visiting for a short time with the whiskey bottle lamp artist and was impressed with here work.



Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mini diamond drill bits for sea glass


Mini Diamond TWIST drill bits vs Mini diamond SOLID core  bits


Over the last several years that I have been selling mini diamond drill bits to Creative Jewelry designers I have found that the diamond twist bits are just a tad more popular than the solid core bits. Your favorite type would more likely depend upon the kind of material you are drilling. The thickness and the hardness of the material you are drilling would influence the type of diamond drill bits that would work best for you. It’s a good idea to try both types to see which ones last longer and gives you a nice clean hole. Sea glass is often much harder than beach stones or pottery shards to drill.

Mini diamond TWIST drill bits work much like an auger. This type of drill bit will lift the fine silicon dust out of the hole as you drill. You should still lift the mini bit out of the hole just a tad as you drill. A touch n’ go technique is recommended. The thicker the piece of material you are working with the more I would suggest using the twist diamond drill bits.

The mini diamond solid core bits have very fine diamond segmentations at the very tip of the drill bit. This gives you a little less diamond cutting surface. When using  solid core diamond bits you need to lift the drill bit out of the hole every few seconds to clear out the glass dust and to keep water in the hole. Solid core mini diamond drill bits will usually have a longer shank with just the tip doing the work. The shank size is usually the same size as the diamond drill bits. I always insert the shank as far up into the collet that I can.  You want just enough of the tip to penetrate the thickness of the material you are working with. These needle thin mini drill bits can bend or break very easy.   I just cut away the bent shank and continue to use.

As a general rule the thicker the material the slower speed you would want to use.. I find that the middle setting on my Dremel rotary drill motor works just fine.



Saturday, November 22, 2014

Lighted wine bottles Deco Teeny,teeny bulbs

Lighted wine bottle & Deco Bulbs

Designing lighted wine or whiskey bottles is a great and enjoyable craft and very often can generate a little extra money.  Very often an eye-catching attraction to a lighted wine bottle is the warm glow of the lights that come from the bottle.  At one time I would use a string of 35 multi-colored incandescent standards Christmas type light bulbs placed inside a regular size wine bottle. They had an attractive effect.  However, I soon found out the in a very short time the lighted wine bottles became too hot to touch. A major concern to those selling lighted wine bottle at their local craft show was some child or adult would be startled when touching the bottle which could cause an injure of some kind. I often through that there would be some liability on my part when selling bottles that got too hot to touch.

I am now much more comfortable using Darice’s Deco Teey,teeny bright bulbs.


To find out more about using Darice Deco light bulbs  try google search.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Drilling sea glass for jewelry

Drilling Holes in sea Glass & Beach Stones

Beading and designing jewelry has become one of the most popular and profitable craft. Many artistic folks find designing jewelry on outlet for their creativity. It is an enjoyable craft and it is a money maker for many jewelry artists. The next time you visit a craft show notice the number of booths displaying handmade jewelry. All of them have a rather large group of women looking over their creations and paying good money for that special set of earrings or bracelet that they fell in love with. Many jewelry creations are made from sea glass , semi-precious stone, beach stone and pottery shards.They are unusual because sea glass and beach stones are found with a wide variety of shapes and colors  that offer the artist a wide range of design possibilities. You  may want to try your hand at designing jewelry made   from sea glass or beach stones.

I offer the following suggestions and tips that will help you be successful in drilling sea glass and other semi-precious stones. As you gain experience you will really get involved and enjoy designing your own jewelry.


Whenever you use electrical motors with high speed RPM you need to be extra careful. Wear eye protection for sure. You will be drilling with a little water around your work.Be careful with your electrical cords and drill motor.

For best results use good quality diamond drill bits . The mini diamond drill bits that I have available are popular and hold up very well.

I buy my sea glass from a collector who spend the winter in Florida. I am not sure if it is authentic and genuine. I do however, enjoy walking along the shore of Lake Huron looking for any unusual beach stones  .Beach stones  and pottery shards have become a very popular medium for jewelry artist.

I pre-sort my pieces of sea glass and beach stone. I look for the smaller pieces that lend themselves to a pair of earring or a bracelet. The longer pieces would make a nice pendant.



You have to use your imagination to create a piece of jewelry in your mind. You need to decide where to drill the hole. You may want to drill in the center on top  or at each end. Sea Glass is often so irregular that you will need to study each piece very carefully before you drill you holes. Many jewelry artist use diamond files or diamond burrs to touch up and reshape their sea glass.

You need a Dremel drill motor. Be sure you have a collet that will accommodate the shank size of your drill bit.

Your best bet is to use a Dremel chuck Model 4486. This is an adjustable chuck that will accommodate most mini size diamond bits. This chuck will accept a 3/32” bit. I usually use the middle setting for my drilling speed. The larger the drill bit the more you need to slow your drilling speed down a bit. Recommended speed is 5000-25000 rpm. Insert the shank of the drill bit far up into the collet. Leave just enough of the tip of the bit to drill through the thickness of the glass or stone. These are very fine bits that can heat up very quickly and wear out the diamond segmentation on the tip of your bit.  


Lubricants. All diamond drill bits require water to keep the tip of the drill bit and glass cool.

You will need a shallow pan about two or three inches deep. I use a piece of ¾ inch wood to place my sea glass or beach stone on. Add enough water to just cover the glass when you press it to the  bottom of your pan. If you use to much water it will splash all over the place and you will have trouble seeing your work. Change the water often as it will get cloudy from the fine glass dust. If your sea glass is not to thick you can usually drill straight through your piece of sea  glass or stone. Use a very light touch when you sense you are about to break through.  Sometimes I will put a small dot on both sides of the glass with a permanent maker. I will drill my hole from both sides in order to help prevent a chip out when the bit breaks through. Very often jewelry artist will drill the hole with a under size  bit and than re-drill with the final size. You can also use a round head diamond burr to touch up the hole.


You could hold your piece of glass or beach stone cause the glass to crack or chip. I usually set my bit at a 45 degree angle to the glass to get the hole started. Once the bit starts to bite you can bring it straight up and continue drilling. When you sense that you are about to break through you need to let up on the down ward pressure. Some sea glass is very hard and you need to be patience, take your time. Sand stone and pottery shard are much easier to drill. I hope that these tips and suggestions will help you get the feel for drilling sea glass or beach stones or pottery shards. I find this craft fascinating and I am sure you will enjoy it once you try it. You will soon develop your own technique as you gain some experience.

You may want to Google search lapidary products for additional accessories and information. Give it a try and let me know if I can be of more help. You can contact me at:

My esty store: jpdiamonddrillbits

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Drilling glass blocks

Drill holes in glass blocks or wine bottle with diamond drill bits with a hand held drill motor.

Before you start to drill the hole you should use some Silly Putty to form a donut. Place the donut over the spot where you want to drill the hole. On a glass block I find a place just off the center line where the two halves of the block are joined. Fill the donut hole with water... During the cutting process the bit will begin to heat up. Make sure the hole in the donut is full of water. Have a little cup of water nearby in case you need to add a little water. Place your wine bottle or glass block on old towel and position between your feet on a hard cement floor. See if you can start drilling by tipping the drill bit a little on its edge you will have to apply a little pressure to get your drill bit to starting cutting. Once it start to cut you can than bring it straight up Remember; Diamond coated drill bits can heat up very quickly. Pump your drill up and down every few seconds. Drilling the hole will take a few minutes because it is difficult to drill through thick glass. Glass blocks are manufactured with a slight vacuum inside. You will often hear a slight hiss when the drill bit breaks through. Wash the glass block inside and out to get the glass dust out of the block. Let it dry before you start to decorate. Remember you don’t need a lot of downward pressure. Set your drill motor at low speed. To learn more about drilling glass block or wine bottle go to google search.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Why Not Make a lighted wine or whiskey bottle table lamp?


Why not make your own wine or whisky bottle Table lamp?  

My complete bottle making lamp kit will give you easy to follow step-by- step directions. All you will need to do is find a bottle that you like; purchase a lamp shade and a 15 watt light bulb. My complete bottle making kits includes:

A 3/8 inch diamond drill bit with directions (How to drill a Hole in a Bottle)

All required electrical and lamp parts.

A 3-terminal, 2 circuit light socket. (Bottle lights on only, top bulb on only, or both). Wiring instructions.

A string of 20 Darice Deco Teeny,Teeny Clear bulbs on brown wire  5ft.

Silly Putty and a snap-in plastic grommet.

I think that you will love making your own bottle lamp.  My bottle lamp kit is a great & unusual Gift. I can send one to whoever you wish.

To order a complete lamp kits contact me at or visit my web site at

Why Not Make a wine or whiskey bottle table lamp

Why not make your own wine or whisky bottle Table lamp?  
My complete bottle making lamp kit will give you easy to follow step-by- step directions. All you will need to do is find a bottle that you like; purchase a lamp shade and a 15 watt light bulb. My complete bottle making kits includes:
A 3/8 inch diamond drill bit with directions (How to drill a Hole in a Bottle)
All required electrical and lamp parts.
A 3-terminal, 2 circuit light socket. (Bottle lights on only, top bulb on only, or both). Wiring instructions.
A string of 20 Darice Deco Teeny,Teeny Clear bulbs on brown wire  5ft.
Silly Putty and a snap-in plastic grommet.
I think that you will love making your own bottle lamp.  My bottle lamp kit is a great & unusual Gift. I can send one to whoever you wish.
To order a complete lamp kits contact me at or visit my web site at

Monday, August 11, 2014

How to drill sea glass and beach stones

Drilling Holes in sea Glass & Beach Stones

Beading and designing jewelry has become one of the most popular and profitable craft. Many artistic folks find designing jewelry on outlet for their creativity. It is an enjoyable craft and it is a money maker for many jewelry artists. The next time you visit a craft show notice the number of booths displaying handmade jewelry. All of them have a rather large group of women looking over their creations and paying good money for that special set of earrings or bracelet that they fell in love with. Many jewelry creations are made from sea glass , semi-precious stone, beach stone and pottery shards.They are unusual because sea glass and beach stones are found with a wide variety of shapes and colors  that offer the artist a wide range of design possibilities. You  may want to try your hand at designing jewelry made   from sea glass or beach stones.

I offer the following suggestions and tips that will help you be successful in drilling sea glass and other semi-precious stones. As you gain experience you will really get involved and enjoy designing your own jewelry.


Whenever you use electrical motors with high speed RPM you need to be extra careful. Wear eye protection for sure. You will be drilling with a little water around your work.Be careful with your electrical cords and drill motor.

For best results use good quality diamond drill bits . The mini diamond drill bits that I have available are popular and hold up very well.

I buy my sea glass from a collector who spend the winter in Florida. I am not sure if it is authentic and genuine. I do however, enjoy walking along the shore of Lake Huron looking for any unusual beach stones  .Beach stones  and pottery shards have become a very popular medium for jewelry artist.

I pre-sort my pieces of sea glass and beach stone. I look for the smaller pieces that lend themselves to a pair of earring or a bracelet. The longer pieces would make a nice pendant.



You have to use your imagination to create a piece of jewelry in your mind. You need to decide where to drill the hole. You may want to drill in the center on top  or at each end. Sea Glass is often so irregular that you will need to study each piece very carefully before you drill you holes. Many jewelry artist use diamond files or diamond burrs to touch up and reshape their sea glass.

You need a Dremel drill motor. Be sure you have a collet that will accommodate the shank size of your drill bit.

Your best bet is to use a Dremel chuck Model 4486. This is an adjustable chuck that will accommodate most mini size diamond bits. This chuck will accept a 3/32” bit. I usually use the middle setting for my drilling speed. The larger the drill bit the more you need to slow your drilling speed down a bit. Recommended speed is 5000-25000 rpm. Insert the shank of the drill bit far up into the collet. Leave just enough of the tip of the bit to drill through the thickness of the glass or stone. These are very fine bits that can heat up very quickly and wear out the diamond segmentation on the tip of your bit.  


Lubricants. All diamond drill bits require water to keep the tip of the drill bit and glass cool.

You will need a shallow pan about two or three inches deep. I use a piece of ¾ inch wood to place my sea glass or beach stone on. Add enough water to just cover the glass when you press it to the  bottom of your pan. If you use to much water it will splash all over the place and you will have trouble seeing your work. Change the water often as it will get cloudy from the fine glass dust. If your sea glass is not to thick you can usually drill straight through your piece of sea  glass or stone. Use a very light touch when you sense you are about to break through.  Sometimes I will put a small dot on both sides of the glass with a permanent maker. I will drill my hole from both sides in order to help prevent a chip out when the bit breaks through. Very often jewelry artist will drill the hole with a under size  bit and than re-drill with the final size. You can also use a round head diamond burr to touch up the hole.


You could hold your piece of glass or beach stone cause the glass to crack or chip. I usually set my bit at a 45 degree angle to the glass to get the hole started. Once the bit starts to bite you can bring it straight up and continue drilling. When you sense that you are about to break through you need to let up on the down ward pressure. Some sea glass is very hard and you need to be patience, take your time. Sand stone and pottery shard are much easier to drill. I hope that these tips and suggestions will help you get the feel for drilling sea glass or beach stones or pottery shards. I find this craft fascinating and I am sure you will enjoy it once you try it. You will soon develop your own technique as you gain some experience.

You may want to Google search lapidary products for additional accessories and information. Give it a try and let me know if I can be of more help. You can contact me at:

My esty store: jpdiamonddrillbits


How to drill sea glass and beach stone jewerly

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Darice DECO teeny,teeny bulbs

The major issue with using the standard string of Christmas lights  in your wine bottle is the high heat that the lights generate. If you use a string of thirty five lights the bottle will be too hot to touch.  Maybe not so hot that it will burn your fingers, but quit warm. The longer you leave the lights on the warmer your wine bottle will be. It could be a safety issue if you sell your lighted wine bottles  and someone picked it up and was startled and dropped it. You may want to check to see just how hot a wine bottle can get depending on how many strings lights you inserted. It may surprise you. What about using LED string lights? LED string lights are brighter and burn much, much cooler. They will last longer and will not cause your lighted wine bottle to get too hot. I prefer using LED lights in my wine bottles that I sell or make as gifts. They have one major problem. A string of twenty LED colored or clear lights cost about three or four times as much as a string of standard Christmas Lights. The extra cost makes selling your lighted wine bottles a little more difficult due to the higher price you will need to charge. Have to tried teeny or rice lights?
Rice or teeny lights are very bright and also burn very cool. They are much smaller but give off plenty of bright light for your bottle. They often come in a count of 20 and can be found in most hobby or crafts stores. You can use Google search to find your local craft store as well as to check price. Your comments are always wlcome  Please take a peck of my new webpage at:,

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Make a Mason Jar lamp with your favorite frangranceoil scent

1.            one pint light blue Mason Jar pre-drilled with a 3/8 inch hole.

2.            8. ft. white lamp cord .

3.            Pre-wired standard light socket.

4.            One standard light socket reducer (you may want to use a candelabra size bulb).

5.            A set of DECO Teeny, Teeny  Multi-colored bulbs.(wired to socket base)


What you need to do:


1.            Fill the mason jar with one of your favorite accent items.(sea shell, marbles, wine bottle corks, buttons, beach stones, thread spools, potpourri).

2.            Spread the Deco Teeny lights among the content of your mason jar.

3.            Buy a 4 inch lamp shade that will complement your lamp or room.

4.            Apply your favorite Fragrance Scent.

5.                If using wax scent cubes just un- screw jar ring and place under jar lid .

6.                If using fragrance oil just squirt a few drips threw jar top.(your will need to add new scent cubes or scented oil every so often).

Sunday, May 11, 2014

wine bottle lamp kits lighted wine bottles

Complete wine bottle lamp kits

Complete wine/whiskey bottle table lamps Kits

Darice Deco Teeny bulbs

Darice Deco String Lights

Halloween Lights

Jewelry Making Mini Diamond Drill Bits

For All of Your Lighted Bottle Supplies

Contact me at:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Old beer bottles & seaglasss

Check out flea markets, garage sale re-sale shops to find vintage bottles

Tumbling vintage bottles to make sea glass I recently found 4 vintage beer bottles at a garage sale. I paid $2.00 for the four of them. They were not in very good condition. By the color and shape of the bottles I would judge them to be about 100 years old. In fact the lady who sold them to me said that she know them to be at least that old. Two of them were cracked and had little value for re-sale. I had the ideal to tumble them to see what kind of faux sea glass I could make. I wrapped the bottle in several layers of old towels and broke it up with a heavy hammer. After sorting through the busted glass I collected just the pieces that would most likely make a nice piece of sea glass jewelry..I have a small toy rock tumbler that I also found at a garage sale. Using just some beach sand and a small amount of Silicon Carbide grit, I let the tumbler run for ten days. I changed the water and sand after first three days and several times after that. To my surprise, the pieces had a very nice crystalline patina and looked very much like genuine sea glass. I would venture a guest that most jewelry makers working with sea glass would not be able to tell the difference. The only distinction that I can make about this man made sea glass is that it was made from an antique beer bottle. I would not advertise it as "pure sea glass" It was fun to make and I enjoy experiencing with tumbling vintage glass bottles. _

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Halloween 20 bulbs Halloween lights orange lights orange bulbs

This Darice® Deco Lights™ light set includes 20 orange bulbs on a black cord. Perfect for Halloween light displays, adding glow to home decorating projects, creating a festive atmosphere for parties, and more. 20 lights per strand. 1 piece per package.

The bulbs on these Deco Lights™ utilize a safety fuse plug and remain lit even if one burns out. Plugs with both ends for easy continuous lighting. Pre-tested. Extra bulbs included. Indoor use only

NOT to early to start your Halloween crafts for the fall craft

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

3/4 inch diamond bits Lighted glass blocks lighted wine bottles

This a new 3/4 inch (20mm) diamond drill bit. This diamond drill bit is also suitable for drilling   glass, ceramic tile, marble and granite. All diamond drill bits require that you use water as a lubricant. A ¾ inch diamond bit is very popular for drilling holes in glass blocks as many glass block designers use the larger LED’S and incandescent bulbs.


Included with the purchase of one of my diamond drill bits are a few tips and suggestions that I wrote that may be of help to you


Step by step instructions for drilling holes in bottles.

Summary for making your lighted wine bottle.

Tips for inserting DECO bulbs into your bottle.

A list of special prices for lighted wine bottle supplies.

Directions for making a wine bottle table (night lite) lamp.

Make a bottle incense smoker.


Single 3/4inch bit     $20.00

Two for $17.50

No additional cost for first class mailing.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

3/4 inch diamond bit for glass blocks wine bottles

This a new 3/4 inch (20mm) diamond drill bit. This diamond drill bit is also suitable for drilling   glass, ceramic tile, marble and granite. All diamond drill bits require that you use water as a lubricant. A ¾ inch diamond bit is very popular for drilling holes in glass blocks as many glass block designers use the larger LED’S and incandescent bulbs.


Included with the purchase of one of my diamond drill bits are a few tips and suggestions that I wrote that may be of help to you


Step by step instructions for drilling holes in bottles.

Summary for making your lighted wine bottle.

Tips for inserting DECO bulbs into your bottle.

A list of special prices for lighted wine bottle supplies.

Directions for making a wine bottle table (night lite) lamp.

Make a bottle incense smoker.


Single 3/4inch bit     $20.00

Two for $17.50

No additional cost for first class mailing.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

5/8 inch diamond drill bits for wine bottle lamps

5/8 inch 16mm diamond drill bit.


This is a new 5/8 inch (16mm) diamond drill bit that is specially recommended for drilling holes in wine bottles or glass blocks. This diamond drill bit is also suitable for drilling holes in glass,ceramics, title,marble and granite. All diamond bits require that you use water as a lubricant. The 5/8 inch diamond bit is very popular with both glass block and wine bottle lamp artist. A 5/8 inch hole makes it just a little easyier to insert both DECO 4mm bulbs as well as the standard incandescent Christmas string lights. Decolights are very popular as they burn crystal bright and much,much cooler.


Included with the purchase of one of my diamond drill bits are a few tips and suggestions that I wrote that may be of help to you.



Step by step instructions for drilling holes in bottles.

Summary for making your lighted wine bottle.

Tips for inserting DECO bulbs into your bottle.

A list of special prices for lighted wine bottle supplies.

Making lighted wine bottles for profit.

Directions for making a wine bottle table (night lite) lamp.

Make a bottle incense smoker.


Single 5/8 inch bit   $8.00

Two for $13.00

No additional cost for first class postage

Friday, April 11, 2014

3/8 inch (10 mm) diamond drill bits.

3/8 inch (10mm) Diamond Drill Bits.


This is a new 3/8 inch diamond drill bit that is specially recommended for drilling holes in wine bottles or glass blocks. These diamond drill bits are also suitable for drilling holes in glass, ceramics, title, marble and granite.  All diamond drill bits require that you use water as a lubricant. A 3/8 inch hole in your  lighted wine bottle is gaining in popularity with lighted wine bottle designers. You will find that lighted wine bottles on display at your local craft show often use DECO Teeny, Teeny bulbs rather  than the standard incandescent  Christmas string lights.  DECO Teeny, Teeny bulbs burn very bright and most important, are much, much cooler. Drilling a 3/8 inch hole is a little easier, plus a 3/8inch plastic snap in grommets are available to protect your lamp wire and gives your lighted wine bottle a more professional finished look. 


Included with the purchase of one of my diamond drill bits are a few tips and suggestions that may be of help to you.


Step by step instructions for drilling holes in bottles.

Summary for making your lighted wine bottle

Tips for inserting Deco Teeny, Teeny  bulbs into your bottle.

A list of special prices for lighted wine bottle supplies.

Making lighted wine bottles for profit

Directions for making a wine bottle table (night lite) lamps.

Make a bottle incense smoker.


Single 3/8 inch diamond bit       $8.00

Two for $ 13.00

No additional cost for first class mailing.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mason Jar lamp


1.            one pint light blue Mason Jar pre-drilled with a 3/8 inch hole.

2.            8. ft. white lamp cord .

3.            Pre-wired standard light socket.

4.            One standard light socket reducer (you may want to use a candelabra size bulb).

5.            A set of DECO Teeny, Teeny  Multi-colored bulbs.(wired to socket base)


What you need to do:


1.            Fill the mason jar with one of your favorite accent items.(sea shell, marbles, wine bottle corks, buttons, beach stones, thread spools, potpourri).

2.            Spread the Deco Teeny lights among the content of your mason jar.

3.            Buy a 4 inch lamp shade that will complement your lamp or room.

4.            Apply your favorite Fragrance Scent.

5.                If using wax scent cubes just un- screw jar ring and place under jar lid .

6.                If using fragrance oil just squirt a few drips threw jar top.(your will need to add new scent cubes or scented oil every so often).